
Alumni Relations


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  • Welcome to La Salle Academy’s alumni community. With over 19,000+ alumni, La Salle Rams are always welcome at 612 Academy Avenue.

    La Salle alumni have established successful careers in various professions including broadcast journalism, education, government, healthcare and technology and many others, in Rhode Island and beyond! With alumni from a broad spectrum of graduating classes, the alumni office is a valuable resource that can help connect and reconnect old friends while helping to make new ones.

    The alumni page provides information on how you can stay involved with your high school alma mater, whether organizing your class reunion, assuming a leadership volunteer role, or speaking on an alumni panel about your chosen profession to inspire future Lasallians. 

    Be sure to update your contact information so that we can provide you with up to date La Salle information based upon your preferred communication channels.

    We want to hear from you! Let everyone know what you’ve been up to with the online version of Class Notes, one of the most popular features of our Alumni Magazine and Alumni News. Check out the most recent Alumni News edition on the button below and stay connected with the RAM- family!

    For more information on how to join our Alumni Association or to inquire about Alumni Events please contact

Contact Our Offices

If you have questions please reach out to Selin Ciesielski '17, Director of Alumni Relations


The Lasallian Magazine

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La Salle Academy is a high school rich in history and grounded in the person and teachings of Jesus and the Catholic faith, which are core to the school's life and culture. The De La Salle Middle School provides a strong holistic foundation for students to transition into high school. The high school and middle school provide students of diverse ethnic, economic, and religious backgrounds, a community to foster growth in the tradition of St. John Baptist de La Salle’s ideals of faith, service, and community.